The Pakistani hajj assistants (moavineen) in Saudi Arabia have become impatient to travel back and started to file applications in this regard, after they offered Hajj on government expenditures, it has been learnt.
The Hajj mission has taken strict notice of this trend as number of applications by the ‘moavineen’ was increasing day by day as they wanted to come back early, even before completing their duties.
It has been decided that the applications of moavineen regarding early departure to Pakistan would be accepted with the condition that they will travel back on their own expenses and will also be blacklisted for future missions.
Directorate of Accommodation and Transport Pilgrims Affairs Pakistan Makkah has issued a circular in this regard. It said that under no circumstances can a ‘moavin’ depart early unless in case of death of a blood relative. Moavineen declared medically unfit by the Hajj Medical Mission may be allowed to depart early but with the condition that they wouldn’t be eligible for any of the future Hajj missions.
The circular said that the competent authority had taken serious notice of the increasing number of applications from ‘moavineen’ requesting for their early departure to Pakistan. It said that this trend is reflective of their sheer lack of interest in performance of Hajj duty and misuse of this opportunity to perform Hajj on the pretense of Hajj duty.